Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Prayer

Mi-Jong Jang

DXARTS 463 Project Proposal 

I want my sound piece to be an expressive piece that bears the human hope, desires, pains and struggles. 
"The cries of the weak/the victimized voices" are directly related to people's desires, frustration, anger, depression, hope, agonies, traumas, joy, labors, desperation, etc. --the prayer is the concentrated action, which is intensely full of every human emotions and conditions that are unseen but condensed within the prayer. 
It will be the piece that represents the prayers of people that contains every moment of men's lives.

I want to have the as an ambisonic sound piece to represent different kinds of lifestyles/cultures/emotions/ideologies/beliefs.

Because the audience as well as I myself is immersed within the portrayed world, and because the piece is a portrait of the movements/systems/ideologies of the world; human emotions and lives, I want this sound piece to be immersed in a given space. Thus, the representation of the piece as whole will be important for the audience' experience. I want my piece to be placed in a space that represents everyday living. 


-Week 4 :: 4/22 - 4/27

: collect the sound sample as needed

: learn ambisonic techniques

: have the overall basic code 

-Week 5 - Week 9 :: May

: refine the piece

: collect the sound samples as needed  

-Week 10 :: June

: wrapping up

: last check by June 9th (Monday)

Monday, April 7, 2008

"the prayer"

The pictures pretty much explains the background reality that worked as an inspiration.

I want my sound piece to be an expressive piece that bears the human hope, desires, pains and struggles.

"The cries of the weaks/the victimized voices" are directly related to people's anger, depression, hope, agonies, traumas, joy, labors, desperation, etc. --the prayer is the concentrated action, which is intensely full of every human emotions and conditions that are unseen but condensed within the prayer.

It will be the piece that represents the prayers of people that contains every moment of men's lives.


kind of recording sounds that I plan to use:

-The sound of the nature and of the Third World (winds, birds, festivals, singing voices, etc.)
-Industrial sound to represent industrialization, cities, mechanic lives, materialism, and competition
-Children laughing, crying
-War sound (guns, tanks, etc.) - the power games
-Human voices

need to do this week:

-start compose/map the piece
-getting the sounds that I want for the piece



-I will put several speakers around the sofa area in the hallway.
-equipments need:
              speakers (min 2 max 6)
-I want the piece to be as casual as possible (as if it is not in the gallery space)
*because the piece is a portrait of the movements/systems/ideologies of the world; human emotions and lives, I want it to be immersed in a given space (because the audience as well as I myself are immersed within the portrayed world.)